четверг, 1 декабря 2016 г.

Israeli aircraft kills ISIS militants in Syria after ambush

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Israeli aircraft attacked early Monday morning a facility belonging to the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization in the Syrian part of the Golan Heights. The attack was in retaliation to Sunday’s attack on IDF forces who were engaged in operations along the Syrian border. The patrol returned fire on Sunday, first with small arms and then with mortars. The Israel Air Force then located the armored vehicle that had been the source of the fire and destroyed the vehicle, killing all four ISIS terrorists inside. According to an IDF statement, Monday morning’s attack targeted an abandoned military facility which was previously used by the United Nations and which the ISIS terrorists used to attack the IDF forces near the border. “This is a continuation of yesterday’s attack which aimed at preventing the return of the terrorists to a facility constitutes a fundamental threat to the region,” the statement said. “The IDF will continue to act to protect the citizens of Israel while maintaining the IDF's freedom of action inside the sovereign territory of Israel, and will not hesitate to act against the terrorist organizations operating against it,” it added. Up to now, any missiles that landed in Israel from across the Syrian border were stray fire that was not launched intentionally towards Israel. The purposeful attack on Sunday, however, was different and sources said it was dealt with immediately to serve as a deterrent.
Source: Arutz Sheva

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Красильщиков Аркадий - сын Льва. Родился в Ленинграде. 18 декабря 1945 г. За годы трудовой деятельности перевел на стружку центнеры железа,километры кинопленки, тонну бумаги, иссушил море чернил, убил четыре компьютера и продолжает заниматься этой разрушительной деятельностью.
Плюсы: построил три дома (один в Израиле), родил двоих детей, посадил целую рощу, собрал 597 кг.грибов и увидел четырех внучек..