понедельник, 14 марта 2016 г.

Ann Coulter Calls Fox News 'Traitors' for Protester Sympathy

Ann Coulter Calls Fox News 'Traitors' for Protester Sympathy

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter slammed Fox News and presidential candidate Ted Cruz Saturday in a series of tweets that accused them of treason to the conservative cause for reporting on the violence at Donald Trump rallies.
In the tweets, seen below, Coulter did not pinpoint what it was about the coverage that bothered her. Fox anchor Megyn Kelly and other Fox personalities have defended Trump in several segments.
Cruz, meanwhile, has criticized Trump for what he has described as a culture of violence at his rallies.
Fox News & Cruz are American traitors, in league with the liberal establishment. Silent majority must face fire from a unified oligarchy.
Despicable Opportunist, Ted Cruz:   Donald Trump Bears Responsibility for Organized Chicago Violence (video)… http://bit.ly/1YJ0asC
On the other hand, left-wing fascists violently shut down a peaceful Trump rally last night & Cruz + the entire media took the animals' side

We win or lose with Trump and only Trump.

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Красильщиков Аркадий - сын Льва. Родился в Ленинграде. 18 декабря 1945 г. За годы трудовой деятельности перевел на стружку центнеры железа,километры кинопленки, тонну бумаги, иссушил море чернил, убил четыре компьютера и продолжает заниматься этой разрушительной деятельностью.
Плюсы: построил три дома (один в Израиле), родил двоих детей, посадил целую рощу, собрал 597 кг.грибов и увидел четырех внучек..