воскресенье, 20 сентября 2015 г.


Israel Built A 9/11 Memorial Out Of Ground Zero Wreckage – You Have To See it

This is Israel’s memorial to 9/11.

It is called the 9/11 Living Memorial Plaza.

Image Credit: Creative Commons

Completed in 2009 for $2 million, it sits on 5 acres of hillside, 20 miles from the center of Jerusalem.

Image Credit: Screen Shot

The memorial is a 30-foot, bronze American flag.

That forms the shape of a flame to commemorate the flames of the Twin Towers.

Image Credit: funjoelsisrael.com

The base of the monument is made of melted steelfrom the wreckage of the World Trade Center.

Image Credit: Creative Commons

And includes this engraving in Hebrew and English.

Image Credit: jnf.org
“This metal remnant was taken from the remains of the Twin Towers, that imploded on September 11th disaster. It was sent over to Israel by the City of New York to be incorperated in this memorial. This metal piece, like the entire monument, is a manifestation of the special relationship between New York and Jerusalem.”

Image Credit: jnf.org

Surrounding the monument are plaques with the names of the victims of 9/11.

Image Credit: Creative Commons

It is the only memorial outside the U.S. that includes the names of all who perished in the terrorist attacks.

Image Credit: Creative Commons

Including 5 Israeli citizens.

Image Credit: jnf.org

The site solemnly overlooks Jerusalem’s largest cemetery, Har HaMenuchot.

Image Credit: Creative Commons

The monument is often used for memorial and commemoration services.

Image Credit: jnf.org

A powerful memorial from a powerful ally.

Image Credit: hagayshefi.info

לעולם לא תשכח

1 комментарий:

Красильщиков Аркадий - сын Льва. Родился в Ленинграде. 18 декабря 1945 г. За годы трудовой деятельности перевел на стружку центнеры железа,километры кинопленки, тонну бумаги, иссушил море чернил, убил четыре компьютера и продолжает заниматься этой разрушительной деятельностью.
Плюсы: построил три дома (один в Израиле), родил двоих детей, посадил целую рощу, собрал 597 кг.грибов и увидел четырех внучек..