четверг, 12 января 2017 г.

The Pied Piper of Washington remains.

The Pied Piper of Washington remains.
Boris Gulko
One of the misfortunes of the Russian Empire, destroying it 100 years ago, was that her enemies were led by a truly gifted politician. Even at the second conference of the RSGP (Russian Social Democratic Party) in 1903, Vladimir Lenin showed tremendous wit, calling its small faction "Bolsheviks[A1] ” and opponents, who were considerably larger in numbers" “Mensheviks[A2] ". And who would want to join the defeated Mensheviks?
Another stroke of Lenin’s genius was the seizure of “truth” or “Pravda” – that was the name of newspaper he founded. Whatever other newspapers of other parties wrote, the truth belonged now to the Bolsheviks.
Information is objective. One can extract it from any object, even from the newspaper “Pravda”. But it is necessary to develop the sophistication of the mind for this ability.  Perhaps, immigrants from the USSR owe their success to the upbringing by the Soviet press. Wave of Soviet Émigrés in the United States is recognized as the most successful in the history of this country. Unfortunately, in America, our the sophistication of mind is not passed on genetically to our children. They weren’t schooled by the “school of life” and reading “Pravda” and are easily brainwashed by American media.
To learn how to squeeze the Truth out of “Pravda”, much like getting water from the rock, required an external objective source. Therefore, an ordinary member of Soviet Jewish intelligentsia spent his evening and part of the night listening to the radio. The schedule was convenient: first listen to some BBC, then, straining an ear through much jamming and interference, one could catch bits and pieces of “Voice of America” and Israel station. News appeared to be the same but the secret pleasure was entirely different. And the BBC news commentator Anatoly Goldberg became virtually a member of every Soviet Jew’s household. In the morning the first question over breakfast was: what did Goldberg say the night before?
I have noticed that our world is similar to the theatre. One play ends, the actors change costumes, and in the following play the actor is no longer a hero but a villain. In today's world, the BBC is one of the most mendacious information sources. The difference between the Soviet propaganda and today BBC commentators is that their hate towards Israel sounds sincere.
New term “post-truth recently appeared and quickly became popular in America. Oxford dictionary even acknowledged it as the "word of the year[A3] ". It means it   recognizes the normality of lie in the current discourse of the country.
New York Times is analogous to the Soviet Pravda.  Instead of "The dictatorship of the proletariat" it promotes homosexualisation and feminization of the United States, the fight against “white privilege” (i.e. black racism), rejection of Islamophobia, and, consequently, anti-Semitism, anti-Sionism and anti-Israelism, as well as belief in global warming Apocalypse, especially frightening when this winter in New York there is minus 11 and minus 26 in Moscow. Behind NYTimes following it are all the other liberal media, which accepted the same principles of the founder of “Pravda”, who believed that newspaper must became collective brainwashing tool and filter all information through ideology sieve. Such propaganda, instead of information, brought America to this policy of “post–truth”.
A recent example of this is the leading journalist-internationalist Thomas Friedman who published an article in New York Times magazine on December 28th,  devoted to organized by Obama UN solution, which actually criminalized the existence of Israel. He wrote: "For those of you who are confused in their understanding of the final battle between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu -- I'll explain this simply: Obama and Kerry admire Israel and want to maintain it as a Jewish and democratic State in the land of Israel. I've never met the two leaders of the United States, more devoted to Israel as a Jewish democracy." This reminded me Soviet “Pravda’s definition of Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968[A4]  as “fraternal aid".
The catalyst for an offensive in America post-truth era has become the rapid ascent to power of almost mystical figure: Barack Obama, master of iniquity and Lord of lies. Almost the first thing Americans learned about him: Obama’s mentor for 20 years was the Reverend Jeremiah Wright -- black racist and anti-Semite, who badmouthed America from the pulpit. Obama, in his notorious "Philadelphia speech” which was immediately recognized as the sample of rhetoric, easily explained this fact. Obama recounted how his white grandmother was scared to see a black guy following her on a deserted side street.
So what? Anyone would be scared. The success of the Obama speech discovered his amazing ability to easily twist any truth. Obama reminds us of Pied Paper from Medieval legend who lead all rats out of Saxony town of Hamelin by playing his Magic Pipe, and then lured all towns’ children with him too. 
Upon taking the Office, Obama started using his Magical Pipe  constantly.  He radically changed the health-care system in the country, vowing that the citizens after his reforms will be able to keep their doctors and their insurance, and spending on medicine will decrease. All three promises were outright lies. But people  accepted it.

 [A1]Bolshoj in Russian means “Big”
 [A2]Menshij in Russian means “Smaller”
 [A3] Oxford defines "post-truth" as "relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief."
 [A4]The Prague Spring was a period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia during the era of its domination by the Soviet Union after World War II. It resulted in a blood bath, 

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Красильщиков Аркадий - сын Льва. Родился в Ленинграде. 18 декабря 1945 г. За годы трудовой деятельности перевел на стружку центнеры железа,километры кинопленки, тонну бумаги, иссушил море чернил, убил четыре компьютера и продолжает заниматься этой разрушительной деятельностью.
Плюсы: построил три дома (один в Израиле), родил двоих детей, посадил целую рощу, собрал 597 кг.грибов и увидел четырех внучек..