To stop receiving this newsletter/bulletin simply reply with "UNSUBSCRIBE" by Steven Shamrak Immediately after the horrifying Hamas horrendous terrorist attack on 7th of October 2023 people in Israel and world-wide have been asking the question – “Why did Hamas take hostages?” To answer this questions we need to look at what was going on in Israel before the attack. - Israel’s political opposition was using any opportunity to attack the current coalition government of Israel, trying to destabilise it and bring it down. For several years the Left-inclined prosecutors and judges were conducting endless investigations and court hearings against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of corruption. Never before in Israel’s history has a sitting prime minister faced criminal charges. In spite of the Hamas attack and ongoing war in Gaza, Israel's Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit announced to indict Netanyahu for bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three separate cases. This is a clear attempt to bring the democratically elected government down by judicial system! - For almost a year, before the 7th of October attack, Israeli opposition was trying to bring the current government down by organising endless demonstrations against judicial reform, which the government was trying to introduce. Israel was deeply divided; Prime Minister Netanyahu's government was not popular, and the coalition was disunited. That is why Hamas leadership perceived that the Israeli government is weak and it is a good opportuning for the attack! So why did Hamas take hostages, even bodies of people they murdered? On 25 June 2006, IDF soldier Gilad Shalit was captured by Hamas terrorists in a cross-border raid via tunnels near the Gaza border. Gilad was held in Gaza for over five years. In 2011 Hamas released him in a prisoner exchange deal - for 1027 security prisoners/terrorists held by Israel. For five years Israel was paralysed and humiliated! Hamas leaders thought that the weak, disunited and paralysed Israeli government would not respond by full force, but just with a ‘proportional’ one After that, they were planning a long and protracted ‘negotiation’, and emotional blackmail of Israeli Jews for many years. Thank G-d, they were mistaken! They did not realise that the feeling of “Never Again Is Now” is strong among Jews. In addition, by waging the war in Gaza against Hamas, Netanyahu’s government regained political support and approval of Israeli voters. Since its independence, Israel has fought many wars with its Arab neighbours; signed numerous cease-fires, and even signed useless peace agreements (so-called Hudnas - temporary "calm" or "quiet"). All those efforts have not brought about any permanent solution to the endless terror that Israeli society has been enduring daily. Antisemitism is on the rise again and has become a ‘popular norm’, as it was before and during the Holocaust! Only by defeating its enemies decisively and unapologetically, will Israel be able to reunite Eretz-Israel, the Jewish state on the land of our ancestors, and receive due respect even from the Jew-hating international anti-Semites! Blood Libel - 'Ugly Nazi' Ignores Hamas Atrocities "Instead of focusing on crimes against humanity and the war crimes committed by the Hamas terrorist organization during the worst massacre against the Jewish people since the Holocaust, the UN – once again chooses to attack the State of Israel with false accusations, including outrageous and baseless allegations of sexual violence. This is not a Human Rights Council – it is a Blood Rights Council," Prime Minister Netanyahu said. Hamas Must Release all HostagesAfter Hamas claimed it is willing to release all the Americans it is still holding in Gaza, The US Secretary of State Marco Rubio blasted Hamas and demanded the release of all the hostages. “I think our priority always, as the US government, is that we care about all the hostages. We want all the hostages released. Talk about 400 people for three. And on top of that, you see the condition these people are being released in.” Zionism is the Jewish National Independence Movement Support SHAMRAK report Food for Thought: by Steven Shamrak The international anti-Semitic 'useful idiots' - the UN, ICC, EU and Western democracies - will only respect the strong and decisive victory of Jews over enemies. Israel must achieve complete 'strategic victory', which must include removal of all enemy population from the Jewish land. Israel needs decisive victory, like the one Jews had some 2,500 years ago in Babylon, which we are still celebrating. The US launched military strikes against Yemen’s Houthis over the group’s attacks against Red Sea shipping. President Trump said he’d ordered “decisive and powerful military action” to end the threat posed to shipping. Trump also warned Iran, the Houthis’ main backer, that it needed to immediately halt support for the group. He said if Iran threatened the United States, “America will hold you fully accountable, and we won’t be nice about it!” (Hopefully, Iran will be next soon.) Ending Hamas from Control of GazaThe US Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution affirming that Hamas cannot retain any political or military control of the Gaza Strip. “Hamas is an anathema - to Palestinians and Israelis alike, indeed to all who live in the region. Their barbarity and inhumanity is a terrorist scourge and a major barrier to peace and stability. Eliminating Hamas ought to be common ground as a paramount goal,” Senator Blumenthal said. (The PA and Fatah are no better.) The US special envoy to the Middle East Steve Witkoff dismissed Hamas's claim that it would release Israeli-American hostage Edan Alexander in addition to the remains of four other American hostages. In a joint statement with the US National Security Council, Witkoff warned: "Unfortunately, Hamas has chosen to respond by publicly claiming flexibility while privately making demands that are entirely impractical. Hamas is making a very bad bet that time is on its side. It is not. Hamas is well aware of the deadline, and should know that we will respond accordingly if that deadline passes." 'Normalisation' with Syrian Druze - Druze residents in Syria will be allowed to enter Israel to work this month. Air Canada has apologized after it emerged that some of its fleet displayed maps that appeared to have erased Israel. On 40 of its Boeing 737 aircrafts as part of the in-flight entertainment (IFE) system Israel as a state was not shown on a map, but replaced with the name “Palestinian territories.” (Nothing happens by accident. It was a deliberate anti-Israel act! Anti-Semites do it quite often. First, ‘THEY’ perform an Israel-hating act, and publicise it widely among Jew-hates. Later, ‘THEY’ make vague and meaningless apologies which are not covered by the press, just to repeat something similar again.) Clearing Assad Regime Targets in Syria The IDF released footage of 22 fighter jets dropped over 60 bombs across southern Syria. Among the targets were radars and detection equipment used to assess aerial intelligence, headquarters, and military sites that contained weapons and equipment of the former Syrian regime. The targets were attacked in order to eliminate future threats from new Islamic regime. The US to Reduce Military Aid to Egypt Cairo has received official notification from the United States regarding the decision to reduce military aid to the Egyptian army in 2026. Trump had previously hinted at the possibility of cutting off aid to Egypt and Jordan if the two countries did not agree to accept Gazans fleeing the war zone. Quotes of the Week: "It is important to understand the context of this UN atrocity crime. The inquiry was created by a bunch of thugs and human rights violators on the UN so-called 'human rights' council. The three people appointed as members of the inquiry had pre-existing profoundly anti-Israel records, which is precisely why they were appointed to what the UN laughably labels an 'independent inquiry.' Since day one, they set out to demonize and delegitimize the state of Israel. They held hearings and meetings and consultations, almost all of which were conducted in secret, and refused to invite NGOs that would have contradicted their pre-determined outcome. They ignored the hundreds of thousands of submissions that would have done the same," - Professor Anne Bayefsky, the Director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights, responding to anti-Semitic report by ‘Ugly Nazi’, accusing Israel of sexual violence and genocide was made by 3 officials with longstanding anti-Israel bias. What does ‘Total Victory’ Mean? by Ron Hutter We are regularly told that we need ‘total victory’ to defeat Hamas. Unfortunately, no one actually defines what that means. Broadly speaking it means that one side decisively defeats its enemy, achieving its objectives, with the enemy surrendering or retreating. There are several types of victory. Strategic victory - whereby political goals are achieved by military means. World War Two, was probably the last of such victories. Tactical victory - this is limited to a specific battle or battles with a significant objective during a campaign. This has been Israel’s experience and has been ongoing. Non-state actors such as Hamas and Hezbollah have complicated the concept of victory, exacerbated by political involvement through the UN, EU, ICJ, ICC, ICRC and NGOs. Furthermore, the politicization of international law has further complicated the concept of victory. In this respect the UN, EU and other western democracies have misrepresented international law for their own purposes. The concept of ‘proportionality’ has been a popular means to hamper Israel, with little resemblance to its proper legal formulation. Israel has demonstrated valour and innovation, but has never enjoyed the ‘total victory’ it deserved. Hamas have been masters at psychological warfare. Despite suffering enormous losses in fighters as well as material destruction of their towns, they have been unfazed. They know that Jews are a life affirming culture while they love death. In this respect, Islam is the antithesis of Judaism. They also understand what traumatises Jews, namely humiliation through torture, rape, starvation, manipulating the media, and making hostages parade on Shabbat. Arab culture is based on honour and shame. It is there we must turn in order to effect a victory that complements the military one. This entails psychological warfare which has been sadly lacking in Israel. We need to fight ethically but with different points of departure that are crucial and central to the Arab culture of honour and shame. Three elements in psych warfare can be identified to be effective in fighting Israel’s enemies. 1-Humiliation 2-trauma and 3-helpless despondency. Military prowess alone does not achieve these. (But it is a good start! Just cultural and psych warfare has never worked for Israel. Only after total victory Hamas and its supporters will move far from Israel.)
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