danger of vaccination against corona
Dear friends,
Today my Hebrew teacher in Israel sent me a booklet
in Hebrew about the dangers of vaccination against the coronavirus. See the
attached. It's quite long and somewhat repetitive, especially in the beginning.
For the sake of speed, I've read most of it with Google translate, and even
though in the beginning it's not convincing why vaccination may be dangerous
(e.g. I think that the huge profits of the pharmaceutical companies and their
sponsors do not prove that the developed vaccines are bad), the interviews with
some of the researchers and doctors (especially the last one in the booklet),
prompted me to send you this information. One of the potential dangers
which seems quite convincing to me is as following (in a very simplified and
potentially distorted version). The mechanism of the new vaccine technology is
to deliver a "message" to body's cells to develop antibodies that
would attack the coronavirus once it enters the body. The problem with this
mechanism is that the body may unfortunately learn to attack its own healthy
cells, i.e. develop autoimmune disorders which can be very dangerous on their
own. And it make take a short time or a long time for the autoimmune disorders
to develop and manifest themselves, at this stage no one knows for sure since its
quite a novel vaccine technology. Another potential problem is that for some
people their body can hugely overreact once it meets the real virus and cause
acute excessive inflammation which may be also very dangerous. I'm not a doctor
and not a medical researcher but based on my lay-person understanding these 2
dangers are quite convincing that the potential damage may be larger than the
potential benefit, at least for some people. So I've decided to send you this
information so that you are aware about these seemingly valid dissenting
opinions, can decide to perform your own research of the available evidence, or
at least make a more informed decision regarding vaccination against the
Blessings for strong and enduring health,
Анна правильно сделала, что послала нам это сообщение, чем только укрепила моё мнение обо ВСЕХ этих наскоро слепленных вакцинах, что сегодня старательно пытаются нам представить как "наилучшее лекарство".......
ОтветитьУдалитьКАЖДЫЙ человек неповторим, как и его отпечатки пальцев и потому ...для начала, надо было исследовать вопрос, проверить варианты реакций различных живых организмов на лекарства, а уже потом убедить нас в БЕЗВРЕДНОСТИ данной вакцины для людей...
увы, ВСЁ решают деньги и потому каждый старается первым продать нам СВОЙ "набор химикатов", уверяя, что он лучший.