вторник, 17 июля 2018 г.

Join the fight against anti-Semitism

Join the fight against anti-Semitism

Christians United for Israel info@cufi.org через mta-bbcspool.convio.net 

18:12 (43 мин. назад)
кому: мне

The War Against The Jews. Ancient hatred still threatens God’s Chosen People
Dear Ã šÑ€à °Ñ à ¿à »ÑŒÑ‰à ¿à ºà ¿à ²,
We are witnessing the intensified efforts of Israel’s enemies to attack the Jewish state, both physically and through false propaganda.
Many of Israel’s enemies publicly claim to be motivated by political or territorial disputes, but the fact is that Israel’s enemies are primarily motivated by ancient hatred. In order to successfully win this battle, Christians must be aware of the long history and the corrupting influence of anti-Semitism.
That is why I wrote an eye-opening mini-book, The War Against the Jews. This educational tool is intended to equip you with the truth about anti-Semitism. From Haman to Hitler to Hezbollah, you will follow the thread of Jewish hatred that continues in an unbroken line from ancient times until today. The War Against the Jews is an invaluable resource that will motivate you to identify and stand against the evils of anti-Semitism wherever it raises its ugly head.
We cannot take these threats lightly. The lives of our Jewish brothers and sisters depend on it.
Don’t Let History Be Repeated. Join the fight against anti-Semitism by supporting Christians United for Israel. 
  We’ll send you this important mini book for a gift of any amount this month.
Early this year, a report on anti-Semitism in America showed that acts of violence or discrimination toward Jewish Americans rose by 57% in 2017, and incidents on school campuses doubled for the second year in a row. America has a growing problem with anti-Semitism, and we must uproot it!
The situation here in the United States has become so toxic that we recently witnessed our friend and Holocaust survivor Irving Roth booed and shouted down by protestors in Davis, California. The attempt to silence and shame a man who already endured unfathomable horrors in the Holocaust is a disgusting example of how acceptable Jewish-hatred is becoming in our country. The war against the Jews continues on all fronts.
There is no time to lose in joining this fight against Israel’s enemies. We cannot repeat the sins of our Christian forebears and silently stand by while the Jewish people are attacked, threatened, and vilified. This is why CUFI is such a powerful and necessary voice for millions of Christians like you to speak out, be heard, and make a difference.
When you join the fight against anti-Semitism by supporting CUFI with a gift of any amount this month, we will send you my brand new mini-book, The War Against The Jews.
Blessings to you and those you love,
Pastor John Hagee
Founder and Chairman
Don’t Let History Be Repeated. Join the fight against anti-Semitism by supporting Christians United for Israel. 
  We’ll send you this important mini book for a gift of any amount this month.
Please support CUFI today!

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Красильщиков Аркадий - сын Льва. Родился в Ленинграде. 18 декабря 1945 г. За годы трудовой деятельности перевел на стружку центнеры железа,километры кинопленки, тонну бумаги, иссушил море чернил, убил четыре компьютера и продолжает заниматься этой разрушительной деятельностью.
Плюсы: построил три дома (один в Израиле), родил двоих детей, посадил целую рощу, собрал 597 кг.грибов и увидел четырех внучек..