вторник, 20 августа 2024 г.

Dear friends and colleagues,

 Dear friends and colleagues,

Before going on vacation abroad, I am sending you my summer publications. I wish you good rest, fruitful work and peaceful silence.
I write in English, as most of my writing has been published in that language. Many of the works are autobiographical.

1. Why I Didn’t Become French. San Diego Jewish World, July 1, 2024.

An earlier version of this essay is published in French.  This essay is about my ties to France.

2. Musicians in the Family Led Lives of Disharmony. San Diego Jewish World, July 8, 2024.

The protagonist of this story is my mother's sister, who was subjected to anti-Semitic persecution in 1949, when she was a professor at the Kiev Music Academy, Head of the Department of Russian Music History and Dean of the Vocal Faculty.

3. My Matchmaking Disaster. San Diego Jewish World, July 15, 2024.

In this story, I recount my failure as a matchmaker.  

4. Jewish Fiction: A Piece of Art. San Diego Jewish World, July 22, 2024.

This story is autobiographical, although there are elements of fiction in it. The fantastic hero of this story, in his real form, was the reason for my arrest.

Stories 2, 3, and 4 are published in Hebrew in my book "My Dear Dissonances: the Kiev Stories", published in 2024 by Carmel Publishers in Jerusalem. Of the 35 Hebrew works of the above-mentioned book, 33 were published in English and 23 were published in French.

5. Somerset Maugham Sought to Enlist Jews Against the Bolsheviks,

San Diego Jewish World, July 29, 2024.


Although the main character of this essay is the English writer Somerset Maugham, the main topic here is the Jewish question in Russia 1917-1918. This essay was written as a result of information I received while working in the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge. There I learned from a local colleague about Maugham's work as a British spy.

6. כמה זמן תימשך המלחמה עם המחבלים בעזה, אתר מידה, 30 ביולי, 2024


 הטקסט של המאמר הזה הוא שלי אבל הכותרת היא פרי עבודתו של העורך. אני לא אוהב את הכותרת שלו. הנושא של המאמר הוא שנוי במחלוקת. אני נותן את ההערכה שלי של משך המלחמה בעזה בהשוואה למלחמה עם המחבלים במקום אחר.  

7. The Education of Boris Mikhailovich Borisov. San Diego Jewish World, August 5, 2024.


Despite the fantastic plot of this story, also published in my aforementioned Hebrew book, is not fiction, but a true story told to me by my father. In 1949, my father was a professor of French and German literature at Kiev University and literary editor of the main Ukrainian literary magazine Homeland. He was a victim of anti-Semitic persecution and was exiled from Kiev to Soviet Central Asia, the setting of this story.

8. American Jews, During the Catastrophes of the Jewish People. American Thinker, August 9, 2024.

This article deals with a hot topic of our complex reality.

9. A Short History of Jewish Self-Hatred. San Diego Jewish World, August 12, 2024.

An editor changed the title of my article “The New Auto-Antisemitism”


האוטו-אנטישמיות החדשה: כשיהודים מאמצים שנאה עצמית 

אתר "מידה", 14 באוגוסט, 2024.


 המאמר הזה מהווה תרגום לעברית של המאמר הקודם #9.

All the best,


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