пятница, 3 марта 2017 г.

Hoping for the farce

Hoping for the farce
   Boris Gulko
The United States were conceived as an ideological project. Protestant dissidents from Europe crossed their "Red Sea", which for them turned out to be the Atlantic Ocean and, using the Jewish Tanakh, they called Bible and picturing themselves as ancient Jews engaged in the Creation, headed to create the biblical "Republic" in America. One of the founding fathers of the country Jefferson called the new ideology of the new society Americanism.
Population of the new country, other than Protestants, consisted of numerous Africans, which as slaves were cultivating plantations of the South. They were sold into slavery to Americans by the Arabs. The institution of slavery, alien in spirit to Protestantism, turned out economically profitable.
James Monroe, served as American President 1817 to 1825, tried to find a solution to this contradiction. According to "Missouri Compromise”(1820) slavery was forbidden to the North of 36°30 parallel and to the West of the Mississippi River. All the while Monroe supported the liberation of slaves and returning them to Africa.
On his initiative, a group of liberated American blacks was taken in 1821 to the coast of West Africa. Settlers there founded  the city of Monrovia, named after the President of the United States. For the various goods like mirrors and beads they sold to the local tribal chiefs, totaling the cost of $50,  Americans-Liberians, as they called themselves, bought about half of the territory of the present state of Liberia, the country they have founded for themselves at the time.
Slavery in the United States disappeared as a result of the civil war 1961-65. But that wasn’t the purpose of the war. Crittenden-Johnson resolution, adopted by the United States Congress on July 25 of 1861, 3 months after the start of the fighting, claimed that the war was launched by the State of the Union for the sake of unification of the country, and, in any case, not for the abolition of the "extravagant" Institute of slavery.
The resolution demanded from the Government of the United States not to take action against the institution of slavery. This is easily explained -- the Coalition included four northern States that still practiced slavery: Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri and Delaware. Only on the Jan 1st 1863, under the threat of England entering the war on the side of the South, whose industry suffocated without cotton from the American South, because Northerners blocked Southern sea ports, Lincoln finally signed the "Emancipation Proclamation”. After that the British could not join the South in the war.
The Commander of the Confederates Army General Lee was an opponent of slavery, but fought for the right of States to secede from the Union Confederation. Lincoln’s views, on the contrary, today looks racist. He believed that after the liberation of all blacks need, even forcibly, to be sent back to Africa.
Implementation of Lincoln intentions wouldn't make emancipated slaves happy. The enterprise, engineered by Monroe, did not bare decent fruit. There is no sadder story then reading the history of Liberia - the poorest country in the West Africa and the third in the world by this indicator. Its unemployment rate is 85%.
The civil war has become a severe shock to America. Deaths and injuries on both sides numbered about 450 000 people -- 1.5% of country’s population at the time. It's hard to believe there was no better way of solving problems. It can be assumed that a significant cause of the Civil War was mounting anger in the society.
Situation of black Americans since the end of the Civil war gradually improved, the laws of 1964th and 1965th equated them with whites, and at the expense of "affirmative action", has given them the advantages in education, employment and starting a business.
In the past half-century a conglomerate of ideologies, alternative to Amerikanism appeared in the United States. At first they called themselves “liberalism”, now more often called “progressivism”, or just “left wing”. The first proponents of liberalism are unorthodox Jews. Their spiritual heritage is coming from grandfathers -- Socialists coming to American shores in the early twentieth century, from the fathers: Stalinists and Trotskyites in mid-century, from guru to Hillary Clinton and Obama radical Saul Alinsky.
Although many blacks gradually adopted the ideology of the founders of the United States, also some entered the economic, cultural and spiritual elite of the country, the vast majority of African-American ideologically lean to the left. Martin Luther King, too, was in favor of the Socialist ideas of redistribution of wealth, believing that every citizen of the United States should receive money from the State. But his promise of non-violent action and "dream" about "society blind to the color” is unpopular among today's black community leaders.
Visible in this community is "Nation of Islam", the most famous of which are its leaders Malcolm Ex and his successor Louis Farrakhan. Many young African Americans joined it, while serving prison sentences.
Most black leaders are Christian priests: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jeremy Wright. What these Islamic and black Christian leaders have in common is anti-white racists and openly anti-Semitic ideology.  
Another wing of Progressivism comes from Latin America, where the traditionally Socialist sentiment is strong. Important parts of the left movement are feminists and LGBT.
Finally, progressives have taken wholeheartedly to the movement from the Muslim world.
Leftists have made great strides in combating Americanism by advancing    Barack Obama to the post of the President of the United States. Obama significantly moved forward the interests of all groups of progressivism by assigning  two liberal women Jewish Elena Kagan and Latino Sonia Sotomayor to the critical position of the members of the Supreme Court,  who  helped to approve same-sex marriage in the country, then the State Department's leadership has appointed seven Islamists to advanced position of the powerful regional power former outcast Iran, supported the black riots against the forces of Law and Order. Media has deteriorated from the Institution of Information into an instrument of propaganda and enthusiastically supported all Obama’s  initiatives.  Historian Victor Davis Hanson sneers: "Obama's proclamation of being "God or the smartest person ever entering the post would not be the usual journalistic practice in the past.” 
It seemed, the United States has reached the Thousand Years Reich of Progressivism.
Of course, in the case of complete triumph of progressivism, it would result in collapse onto itself.  The victory of “Black Lives Matter” movement (Ku Klux Klan in reverse) would result into turning the entire country into the semblance of South Chicago, which last year counted 4334 shots, 762 of them deadly. The feminists would put on Islamists Burkas, LGBT members would be introduced to Shariah Law,  not to mention that 48 Jewish centers in the different States over the past months, received 57 warnings about threats of explosions.
However, the magnificence of the achievements of the past eight years Progressivism collapsed overnight. In the 2016 presidential election year Donald Trump won, promising to return the United States during the time of Americanism to "make America great again".
Trump's victory could not have happened. Against him stood the two political parties of the country and almost all media. In addition to this, in reserve, his rival in the elections were, according to Trump himself, 3-5 million "votes" of the deceased who did not have the right to vote. I recall that before the election, President Obama recognized the right to vote for the illegal immigrants. One of the priorities of the Democratic Party was no requirement to bring identity documents, which gave illegals the influence in election results.
Israeli political scientist Behor enthusiastically welcomed the Trump’s victory: "revolution of the masses is unfolding before our eyes, which have yet to embrace the whole world. And Donald Trump is working for it but not the other way around.  Sword will pierce the heart of political correctness, like socialism which turned into enslaving sect. They will no longer use "the climate change" to create the global power ... Golden days of Shiite axis created by Kerry and Obama, are at its end ... Together with an increasing day by daythe truth is returning to the world.” It appears Behor sees in what’s happening the ideological death of progressivism.
But sociologist David Goldman warned: "If one or more of the parties realized that no war implies the end of their existence, they have no motive to return to peace." Troops of the leftists in America are already on the warpath.
Dennis Prager is writing about this: "America is currently fighting its second Civil War. The Americans, with the obvious exception of the attitude towards slavery, today are more divided ideologically, morally and politically, than they were during the time of the last Civil War. He gives an example: "left-wing thinks the idea of "the melting pot, melting different emigrant groups into one American nation” is anti-African, anti-Muslim and anti-Latin-American. They suppress freedom of speech where they can, proclaiming the views of dissenting with them as "hate speeches". For example: If you think of Shakespeare as the greatest playwright or Bach's as the greatest composer, then you are a supporter of dead white European males and therefore as racist."
Prager warns: "in view of the increasing violence of the left, such as riots, offices of Presidents of colleges and illegal occupation of government buildings States, peaceful second Civil war  is not guaranteed.”
Sociologists Jasha Munch and Roberto Foa Stefan found that the young people of Europe and the United States are increasingly skeptical towards democracy and sympathetic to the idea of a strong ruler or even military dictatorship. First battle of the left youth against the revolution became the anti-Trump rebellion in Berkeley with burning cars and breaking windows, sabotaging address by the conservative journalist.
Massive anti-Trump women’s marches in indecent pink hats symbolizing intimate parts of female anatomy in Washington, DC and similar marches of prostitutes in England were the part of these movements. It remained unclear what Trump threatened them about their desire to have sex without marriage, same sex marriage or ways to procreate or not to procreate. However, Madonna, who claims to be a Kabbalist, demanded to blow up White House and comedienne Sara Silverman called for a military coup. If this is the level of their art and humor, my sympathy to their  audiences.
Feminists perceive sexual liberation is widespread use of the obscene language. This appears to be widely views in many cultures today as a form of freedom.
It is known that history is usually repeated twice -- first as tragedy, then as farce. I very much hope that a the Second American revolution does not become a tragedy and degenerate, in the spirit of pink hats, to the farce.
                                                                                           Translated by Alla Axelrod.


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