четверг, 2 февраля 2017 г.

Let’s make Israel stronger in 2017!

Be part of Israel’s Story. Together we cn do more in 2017
Dear Ã šÑ€à °Ñ à ¿à »ÑŒÑ‰à ¿à ºà ¿à ²,
What can one person do for Israel? Just ask Diana Wood.  She used the tools available to her to reach out to the people within her sphere of influence on behalf of Israel.

Diana and her husband own Woody’s Smokehouse, which attracts 20,000 customers per week on the drive between Dallas and Houston. After her first trip to Israel in 2012, Diana wanted to do something meaningful to show her support so she printed a large picture of her children waving Israeli and American flags during the CUFI Unity parade in Jerusalem and hung it in the center of her store. It was a simple act that received an unexpected and overwhelmingly positive response.
Diana then began donating more generously to CUFI, but she still wanted to do more. After attending the 2016 Summit, Diana felt led to partner with CUFI to turn her business into an active tool for recruiting pro-Israel Americans.
Now, Diana’s efforts are inspiring thousands of Christians in her part of Texas to take a bolder stand for Israel. Everyone who visits Woody’s Smokehouse sees the huge electronic billboard outside playing a CUFI video. When they come inside, they see the picture of her children and are also offered a packet of information telling them how to get involved with CUFI. The first thing you see on her business website’s homepage is an ad encouraging people to support Israel and join CUFI. These are all simple things, but they are making a huge impact.

Diana's passion and courage has inspired her employees, friends, and family, to stand up for Israel. Now they are reaching out to the people in their own spheres of influence. This movement started with one woman’s simple act of obedience to God, and now it’s having a ripple effect on the whole state of Texas.
Not everyone has a busy store they can use to promote CUFI.  But we all have the ability to dedicate our resources to CUFI and Israel on a consisent basis.  One way for you to become an active and integral part of Israel’s story is by supporting CUFI with a regular monthly gift.There is so much more we could do if we knew you were standing with us every month to fight for Israel!
Let’s make Israel stronger in 2017!
Pastor John Hagee
National Chairman
Christians United for Israel
David Brog
Christians United for Israel
Be Part of Israel’s Story. Learn why Israel is the apple of God’s eye and how you can help. For your gift of ANY AMOUNT, we’ll send you Pastor Hagee’s mini book Why Christians Should Support Israel.

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