среда, 1 февраля 2017 г.

Arabs run

Arabs run. Flee Syria and Iraq, Morocco, Libya and Algeria... Run from everywhere from where it is only possible to run. The native earth of ancestors, primordial and poskonny is forgotten. Run - and it not in forces to stop flight nobody, even Allah. Arabs don't run only from there where worst of all is to them under a yoke of the Israeli occupation and blockade of Gaza. Don't run, suffering from apartheid and from atrocities of the Israeli soldiery sucking blood of Islamic babies. Someone will decide that Jews don't let unfortunate "Palestinians" to play, scoff at the poor. No, it not so. All 6 million Jews of Israel would give all the savings - accumulatings that on the way to fugitives it wouldn't be boring and cheerful. But don't run, don't want, any gingerbreads you won't entice.
 If to trust the UN Secretary-General and "world community" - there is no more terrible place for accommodation of Arabs, than Samaria, Judea and Gaza. Terrible hunger, lawlessness and incredible deprivations force the world community to suffer day and night at the thought of the unfortunate "Palestinian people". Any national group of the globe didn't use and doesn't use such careful, fixed, love attention as unfortunate Arabs under the power of blood-thirsty Jews. But, strangely enough, "Palestinians" aren't going to run anywhere and even opposite, despite breakdown because of hunger, want to exempt the earth from Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. As a last resort, to create the new Arab state because more holy sites on the earth on the earth for Allah's servants, than Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria don't and isn't expected.
All Arabs run, only "Palestinians" are surprising patriots. Evil tongues claim. that Gaza and the territories - the unique place in the region where Arabs live quietly and richly under a yoke of Israel, but on that they and angry. Actually, to Arabs of Gaza and the territories don't allow to run as this most world, yudofobsky community set the difficult task for them on destruction of the Jewish state in the form in which it exists. At the same time vicious enemies of "Palestinians" are Jews - shall feed them, treat, supply with water and electricity that, God forbid, those didn't decide to flee in embraces of native and hospitable liberals Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, etc. I even am sure that, passing crowds of Arabs and not fearing this invasion, all these euroallies will resolutely close border before "Palestinians". Quite perhaps, all Arabs of the Middle East will move to Europe soon, only "the Palestinian people" will remain until Jews live on the earth and in the state that very much isn't pleasant to socialist Nazis of the Old World and gangs of their attack planes. Such here life paradox.

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