понедельник, 2 января 2017 г.

The world against Jews.

The world against Jews.
Boris Gulko
I borrowed the title of this essay from my own old text where I wrote how the major countries of the world together plotted to exterminate the Jews and contributed to the Nazis in this intent. Later,  members of the anti-Hitler coalition went all out how they fought in a war to save the Jews. They didn’t rescue anybody but themselves. The miraculous survival of the Jewish people, when it happened, happened by their own effort, with very little or no help from the "Rescuers".
Today, as at the end of the 30-ies of XX century, the world once again decides to betray the people, through which they received their moral code. The United (by Jew-phobia) Nations during it’s  Security Council adopted a unanimous decision, with abstentions United States-the organizers of this disgraceful action to make a borderline through the land of Israel behind one side of which Jews will be  prohibit to settle. The enemies of the Jews are hallucinating, that by  expelling the Jews from Judea and Shomron they can do away with the entire Zionist project and prove the irrelevance of the teachings of the Torah, that gave Jews the land of Israel and promising: "Damning  you are damned; blessing you-blessed! " (Genesis 27:29). Otherwise , why would this anti-Semitic resolution would be attractive to such countries as Japan and New Zealand, living in altogether different geographic reality? These countries shouldn’t interfere with the business of world management by ONE who sends them earthquakes and tsunami and earthquakes.
One hundred years ago, Russia-in those days the country of omnipresent anti-Semitism, pale, pogroms, the blood libel "Beilis Case”, collapsed under the burden of their crimes against the Jews. Just three years after the crimes of the Holocaust, USSR launched a process of a new Holocaust, suffocated at the start due to the sudden death of Stalin. USSR collapsed, trying to suppress the Jewish emigration movement. It seemed that last century misfortunes must help Russia's rulers to understand that facing their country’s fight against God chosen people is fruitless. But a vote in the UN against Israel demonstrates -- Russia still belongs to anti-Jewish international spirit it means their trials and tribulations are far from over.
Three quarters of a century ago Ukrainians were among the most assiduous participants of the "final solution". Descendants of Taras Bulba in mass served in the Nazi "death camps" as security guards. Historians estimated that among 1500 murderers of Jews at Babi Yar there[A1]  were 1200 policemen from the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists and only 300 Germans. In Soviet times Ukraine noticeably surpassed Russia in zeal, following the party line "anti-Jewish".
I recently heard on the radio the famous Kiev journalist Vitali Portnikov predicting that within 20-25 years Ukraine will turn into one of the most prosperous countries in Europe. I must upset the reknown journalist, himself a Jew: Ukraine vote for anti-Jewish UN resolution shows his country is far from the remorse for its anti-Semitism. And without it, Ukraine is condemned be where it is  now infinitely long.
England’s guilt among the countries-collaborators of Holocaust,  according to historian and hero of our people by William Pearl, who organized the rescue of 40000 Jews from destruction, is second only to Germany's fault. The Royal Navy of England sent ships to the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea with Jews, hoping to escape in Palestine from destruction, and they entered the second front, shooting not Nazis, but Jews. And after the War, when international crimes against the Jews were already well known, the British kept tens of thousands of survivors of the Nazis, seeking to reach Palestine, in their detainee camps on Cyprus and Atlit. Big fatty ending point to the crime of the Holocaust came when the British shot and stormed the ship “Exodus” on July 18, 1947. It was fit for 400 people but was filled with 4515 Jews Holocaust survivors hoping to reach Palestine shores. They transplanted these people to metal transport windowless cargo boats and sent them back to Hamburg, Germany. 
Not surprisingly, soon only the pathetic stump remained of the British Empire "on this the Sun never sets”.  And now it decays under the infestation by Muslim migrants. Mention of Holocaust is removed from the school curricula of England. One of the two British Parties, Labor party is openly anti-Israel. But the ruling party, Conservatives, also voted for the partition line in UN.
France capitulated to Nazis without a single shot. French Police diligently hunted down Jews in Paris and sent them to Auschwitz. And now on January 15th  the President of the French Republic Socialist Hollande is gathering in Paris an anti-Zionist orgy of 70 countries to discuss how they do away with Israel in the most effective way.  Of course, his country, the most anti-Jewish in modern Europe, also supported UN anti-Israeli resolution.
If the fault of the 14 States for their vote in the UN Security Council against Israel is with those countries, the Organization of the American administration of such a vote, bending the elbows of the members of the Security Council to present united front in this decision is a fault of American Jews. Twice in 2008 and in 2012 their votes and wallets gave United States a pro-Islamic pro-Jihad President Barack Obama, the enemy of Israel.
The indifference of American Jews to the interests of its people is not new. Thus, during the Holocaust they did not attempt to influence their beloved Socialist Roosevelt Presidency in favor of their doomed Jewish brothers in Europe. His presidency coincided every year (1933 to 1945) with the rule of Germany by Hitler. The Evian Conference in July 1938 became the introduction to the Holocaust. Death penalty to European Jews became the position of the United States delegation that had stated that the United States would not allow the emigration of Jews in its country and appealed to the other countries to do the same.
During the war, FDR not stirred to help the Jews perishing in Europe.   And if a shame for their passivity in those years led American Jews to their broad support of Soviet Jews during the period of our struggle to leave the USSR, in recent decades, American Jews cooled off significantly to general Jewish problems. They care mostly about "progressive" program of the Democratic Party.
And "progressive" program required to support Obama, who promised "change and hope".
"These “changes”, were mostly inflating racial tension in the country, combating traditional morality, establishing “same-sex" marriages ", supporting the right to abortion up to the moment of birth of the infant, pseudo-scientific scam called “global warming” and the war on "Islamophobia".
The latter became the basis for American  assistance to Islamic brothers in gaining power in Egypt, for fighting the American army on the side of the Islamists in Libya, the Islamists of Iraq, lifting sanctions and heavy cash injection to Iran.
The Crown of the pro-Islamic United States policy was to be the destruction of Israel and to create in its place another Islamic State. Obama has already tested the reaction of society to such a policy, and it was not too enthusiastic. So, in the midst of the last HAMAS terrorist attack against Israel in November 2012, the American Administration has tried to take the side of HAMAS – interrupted on time flights to Israel,  refused Israel to replenish used missiles, and  at the end of the conflict, has tried to impose on Israel the terms of the Armistice, which made HAMAS the winner. These efforts were thwarted because they were rejected by the Arab countries, who saw in it the exaltation of a terrorist organization, a threat to threat to themselves.
In the end of his reign, Obama still manages a serious sabotage action against the Jewish State. Prepared by his State Department adoption of UN Security Council decision of the border line across Israel, gives legality to this decision in the future, giving it a basis for economic boycott of Israel, similar to the one that suffocated South Africa, allowing persecution of Israeli  politicians  by the International Court of Justice in the Hague in Hague.
But this subversive betrayal can actually play the opposite role. Senators Graham and Cruz have already announced their intention to discontinue the financing of the United Nations, which receives 22% of its budget from the United States. The new President of the United States Donald Trump took a similar position and promised that after  January 21 the White House's policy on the Middle East will be radically different. One of the items of the expected savings Trump policy is the economy.  Columnist Roger Simon printed on December 25 in NRO: "There is no better place to start saving then this dying centre of international corruption and megaphone for the idiotic dictators then the United Nations".
Simon calculates: “ How much American taxpayer pays for participating in this global gathering of dirty slanderers? $3.04 billion for the year 2015, to be exact. It's not so much as Barack Obama has thrown to Iranian Mullahs, but still it's something. "
The year 2017 just started and promises to be troubling – the organization representing the entire world, unanimously (if the United States voice is properly heard) confronted the chosen people of God. Such actions do not happen without consequences. For the Holocaust the countries involved paid with more than 100 million dead and wounded, military as well as peaceful civilians.
One day after the adoption of the despicable UN Security Council decision,  Russian plane collapsed in the Black Sea, for no apparent reason, with a famous entire Ensemble of Army dance and song on board of famous a Russian plane with an ensemble of songs and dances of the army on board. These days planes don’t crash for no reason.
Hopefully the decisive actions by the new administration of the United States will eliminate results of the shameful Security Council resolution and save Israel from its consequences.
                                                          Translated by Alla  Axelrod.                                          

 [A1]Babi Yar is a ravine in the Ukrainian capital Kiev and a site of massacres carried out by German forces and local collaborators during their campaign against the Soviet Union

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