четверг, 8 декабря 2016 г.


Boris Gulko
For several decades the world has witnessed the extinction of Western civilization in Europe. The last 8 years, since the beginning of the Obama Presidency, the crisis was clearly visible in the United States as well. With the seemingly inevitable arrival of Hillary into the power, nothing might have stopped its development. The unexpected electoral victory for Trump can create new dynamics.  To assess the country's chances for recovery, it makes sense to compare its current state with a history of a fading civilization preceding ours.
Why Roman Empire died? An outstanding thinker and historian Niccolò Machiavelli identified such a cause: "Of all the changes, the most important was the change of religion, because an old habit opposed all the wonders of the new faith and the collision among the people caused pernicious discord. If the Christian religion was a unity, the misery would be lessened, but the feud between the Greek, Roman churches, Ravenna fraction, as well as between the heretical and Catholic sects depressed world in many different ways."
Christianity in Europe was changing painfully and for a long time.  From the year 313, when Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan (Edictum Mediolanense), which equalized the rights of Christians and Pagans in Rome, till the time of founding fathers of the United States crossed the Ocean and created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, based on the Book of Tanakh[A1] , which formed the basis of  Judeo-Christian civilization, as it became known recently, it took more than 14 centuries.  Medieval savagery of Inquisition and many religious wars that took away a large population of Europe had passed.  The Reformation formed Protestant version of Christianity which is associated with the creation of modern Western States.
The fact that not every kind of Christianity can be a decent base for a society is demonstrated by sad histories of Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Catholicism, with its rigid sexual ethics, changes after centuries of religious wars and excesses of auto-da-fe[A2] , today it is quietly disappearing in Europe and is retained only in Latin America and Africa. Orthodoxy has disappeared on a large part of the territory of Byzantium, conquered by Turks, in the 20th century it’s horrendously failed in Russia. After the Russian October Revolution of 1917 residents of that Empire have forgotten about Christian humility and with bestial cruelty began destroying their fellow citizens and their country. They succeeded in this, and created what they have today.  The big question now is whether Russian orthodoxy in the new conditions is capable of reviving their faith and their people.
In modern America, a significant segment of the population is experiencing a process similar to ancient Rome  -- changing of religion. But the movement is happening in the opposite direction: Christianity is receding and Paganism is coming instead, similar to antique Paganism.
In Europe Christianity is disappearing faster than in the United States. In most countries, a church attendance has fallen to 5-10% of the population. According to a recent survey, 38% of Americans answered that they go to church at least once a week. Sociologists have divided this figure in half and believe that it is actually less than 20%.
Among the divinities of neo-paganism which is quickly finding room and board in America, doesn’t have an established name yet and using interchangeably terms “liberalism” and  “progressivism”, there is global warming, demanding to sacrifice modern economy to this idol; there is feminism that rejects traditional gender roles and wants to see women instead of men in  all manifestations of life; there is anti-racism that became a counter form of racism, assuming the preferential treatment  for non-white minorities and different racial groups before the law, as well as other minor, but nasty idols. Among the most devastating consequences of return to Paganism is adoption of sexual morality of ancient Greeks and Romans by modern Progressives in America.
Sociologist  David Goldman writes: "Pederasty is deeply entrenched in Greek religion and was, above all, the cult of youth. Even Zeus couldn’t resist the temptation and stole the pretty boy Ganymede. According to Greek legend, the gods turned a Narcissus into flower to punish him for a proud refusal of old lovers.
Another phenomenon of ancient morality is infanticide. Aristotle had proposed in his “Politics” to kill children with physical disabilities. Clearly, it was a continuation of Spartan practice to kick off newborn, who appeared weak, into the abyss. The killing of children gradually became accepted in Greece.
Usually they killed the girls. They didn’t use them for sex, girls were useless as soldiers too.  3rd century Macedonian poet of the BC era Posidippus of Pella wrote: "Even rich men always get rid of daughters." Study conducted in 200 BC in the Greek colony of Miletus have found these townspeople had 188 sons and only 28 daughters. 
It is not surprising that ancient Greece developed a heavy demographic catastrophe. The Greek historian Strabo (63 BC –21 AD) described its capture by the Romans as "totally deserted. Roman soldiers settled in abandoned houses; Athens is inhabited by statues.”
Greek General, later Roman educator Polybius (220-146 BC.) testified that the disease of depopulation spread from the Greeks to Rome.
Modern researcher John C. Caldwell wrote: "Literary sources, gravestone inscriptions and study of the skeletons show a decline in the Roman Empire population is caused by voluntary control over family size, using contraceptives, murder and expulsions of children". Reading this, you begin to understand where the origins of eerie tales about a boy Tom Thumb comes from[A3] , in which he,  along with his brothers and sisters, is taken from time to time by his parents away into the forest to be eaten by animals.
The problem of depopulation of Rome was addressed by his rulers by allowing peoples from the suburbs and from outside the Empire to move to metropolis.  In 376, the Roman Emperor Valens allowed Goths to replenish his army by crossing Danube River and settle over the territory of Roman empire. But in the year 410 King Alaric I of Visigoths captured and ransacked Rome.
It was not yet the destruction of the "Eternal city", but only the looting. The destruction was  committed in the 476 by the squad of mercenaries-barbarians lead by the Chief, Roman Army officer Odoacer, who,  by the by, also deposed the last ruler of the Western Roman Empire, Romulus Augustus. The final decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire happened by the end of VII century when most of its lands were settled by Arabs.
Today in America we're seeing all the phenomena, of which we read in the history of a dying Rome. American society split into irreconcilable camps, just as Pagans and Christians in antiquity. In the last election two million more people voted for Hillary than for Trump (although according to the Vote Fraud, at least three million voters are not citizens of the United States and did not have the right to vote, and another four million died before the election. I am sure, most ghosts voted for Hillary). For many followers of the new Paganism defeat of the Democrat candidate became a real tragedy. Due to mass hysteria, exams in colleges were canceled, classes were dismissed, old friendships collapsed, families disintegrated.
The loser camp majority is made up of blacks, over two-thirds of Latinos, unmarried women, who worry about their rights to murder their children, student youths, homosexuals of both sexes, Muslims, Jews, Chinese. This same coalition twice led Obama to the Presidency and has great chances to grow and lead another similar type in four years to the White House. I expect that in 2018, we will see Michelle Obama among the Senators; she seems to be the obvious favorite of the liberal coalition.
What can President Trump could do to stop the Neo-Pagan trends affecting the United States? The killing of children in today's America are as common as in ancient Greece. These late abortion are called "women's choices.” Babies are born crying. They are quite alive and alive for several months  before this, in the womb of the mother.
The killing of children can be made illegal by the Supreme Court if Trump assigns to jobs as promised, to conservative Jurists.
Promotion of homosexuality begins in today's America in kindergartens where children learn about the naturalness of gay sex. Liberal lawyers canceled the results of the referendums in several States recognizing marriage only as the Union of man and woman. Conservative lawyers, as well as the impending reform of the schools will be able to stop this going on everywhere “homo-sexualizing” of the country.
It is important to stop the uncontrolled movement of the migrants of countries, located to the South of United States, into the country, as Trump promised. It’s pretty clear -- if the United States population will, in a large number, consist of Mexicans and Venezuelans, the country will be similar to Mexico and Venezuela.
Roman Empire in the period of decline was ruled by Albanian dynasty, later by Germans. The United States President has already been ruled by half-Kenyan Muslim brought up in Indonesia and the principal adviser to the Secretary of State and (almost) President for many years was reared a Muslim in Saudi Arabia.
Trump’s promise to ultimately restrict the resettlement of Muslims in America is encouraging. I remind again, such resettlement was the final stage of the destruction of ancient Rome.
Now, as in the days of antiquity in Rome, United States Army willingly recruits non-citizens engaging them with the prospects of citizenship. This practice brings on kinds of problems.  Thus, major Nidal Hasan, a Palestinian (although second generation from immigrants to the  United States) killed 13 fellow soldiers at Fort Hood base in Texas  and injured 30. The liberal establishment United States tries not to notice such incidents. The Obama administration has acknowledged what happened at Fort Hood not as terrorism, but an altercation at work. Tramp’s immigration reforms better come to fruition before some figure similar to ancient destroyer of Roman Empire Odoacer will arise.
Life and death importance of problems new administration is facing explains why today, when Trump only prepares to enter his post, and evidently is choosing a decent team, liberal audience is already having hysteria, fearing that its Neo-Pagan program will have to move aside and revive traditional American values. That Trump will fulfill his promise to "make America great again."
                                                                                                        Translated by Alla Axelrod.

 [A1]The Tanakh or Mikra or Hebrew Bible is the canonical collection of Jewish texts, which is also a textual source for the Christian Old Testament. 
 [A2]An auto-da-fé or auto-de-fé (from Portuguese auto da fé, meaning "act of faith") was the ritual of public penance of condemned heretics and apostates that took place when the Spanish Inquisition, Portuguese Inquisition or the Mexican Inquisition had decided their punishment, followed by the execution.
 [A3]Fairy tale attributed to Brothers Grimm, Charles Perro, also exists in several European and Asian folklores. 

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