понедельник, 21 ноября 2016 г.

Ignominious conclusion of a masterly intrigue.

Ignominious conclusion of a masterly intrigue.
Boris Gulko
Translation of Alla Axelrod
We are located at the junction of the incredible political thriller that involves many political forces with different programs, ideologies, national facilities and  hundreds of billions of dollars. The consequences of this thriller carry destiny and a future, comparable to the effects of wars and revolutions.
Detective part of this story began in 2000 when the Clintons couple left the White House (taking from it some of the most attractive pieces of furniture that belonged to the State). Due to spending on lawyers, who tried to get Bill off the sexual harassment and even rape charges, the financial situation of the Clinton spouses was not too good. After the perjury scandal with Monica Bill was even stripped of his lawyer license. They had to sell something.
The recent first couple of America decided to sell influence. To do this, however, it had to be cultivated. Hillary got moving and went after the official position. In 2001-2009 she served as Senator - a post not too profitable, but promising. From 2009 till 2013 we see Hillary as a State Secretary.  There is already much more influence  -  Bill’s fees for "lectures", like telling  Kazakhs they have a good President, immediately doubled and reached half a million. And sometimes (like in Sweden, where the State Department of USA  allowed the Swedish company to cut a deal with Iran while it was under sanctions), their profit reached three quarters of a million.
The main buyers of the Clinton’s influence have become Muslim countries. Thus, in 2012 Bill got a birthday present for their fund from a major sponsor of global Jihad, Qatar Emirate in the amount of 1,000,000.00 dollars. If the girl gets expensive gifts from men -- you can be sure, she's not a virgin.  Innocence is not only an anatomical concept, and now no one suspects the Clintons, selling their influence right and left, of moral innocence.
Clinton Foundation became a particularly successful world wide money sucking machine. Its billions have increased the influence of the Fund founders and provided them with the life of Royalties. Thus, after the State Department led by Hillary at the time authorized the sale of 20% United States uranium mines to “Rosatom” Russian company, Russian "philanthropists" unfastened a handsome amount of $20 million dollars to the Clinton Fund, and Canadian businessman Frank Guistra who served as a middleman in this deal chunked off $30 million. In reality the Fund spends no more then 10% of their money on charity.
For 16 years of trading influence Clintons put a quarter of a billion into their pockets. In order not to lose the influence and not to be caught selling it in the past, Clintons moved on to the next level – campaigning for the post symbolizing the maximum influence -- the Presidency of the United States. The Clintons easily repelled the claims of the old socialist and anti-Zionist Bernie Sanders, who won the support of the naïve young people, and got the presidential party nomination for Hillary. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was expelled for the illegal manipulation of the apparatus of the Democratic Party and was moved out of the way. She was replaced by Donna Brazile, recently also expelled, but from CNN,  for a different scam -- she passed Hillary questions that one was to be asked in the debate. When communicating with the leadership of the Democrats - watch your pockets. Finding an honest one among them is a miracle.
After the victory over Sanders, who was an obstacle to the Presidency, Hillary had a Republican candidate to win over. It was necessary to organize a suitable one, the one which Hillary would defeat.
The choice fell on the Clintons' friend of their family (their daughters are friends), sponsor of the Hillary’s Senate campaign and Clintons' Fund, whose latest wedding Clintons attended -- Donald Trump. In early August, 2015 major American newspapers have printed information about the telephone conversation between Bill and Donald. "Four Trump associates and Clinton aide familiar with the content of the conversation reported that Clinton called on Trump to play larger role in the Republican Party and set out his views on the political landscape," the Washington Post reported. Translated into understandable language - Clinton called Trump to join the presidential race and promised assistance in it. A few weeks later Trump announced his candidacy.
Trump's campaign initially was aimed to destroy his most popular competitors: "Jeb Bush - dopey, Marco Rubio sweats, Carly Fiorina has an ugly mug.” I even suspected and voiced this suspicion in the essay at that time, that Trump plays the role of a Trojan horse for the Clintons.
Trump's chances to win in the primaries against 16 superb competitors seemed negligible. He had no managerial experience, no suitable education nor any knowledge of the intricacies of foreign policy. He had the temperament of a construction builder, more fit for the squabbles with suppliers and foremen than for political debate. And most importantly - Trump married for the third time, as he himself declared in his book, had affairs with many women, including some married ones. And this, by the American political etiquette, was much worse than the wrong war with thousands of casualties and great damage to the national interests of the United States. So Clinton stayed in people's memory as a successful President despite the criminal 3 month long bombing of Serbia in 1999, and Obama won the 2012 election after he bombed Libya in 2011 and left it in the hands of Islamic terrorists. Now innumerable migrants pass through European territory penetrating and irrevocably changing the face of this continent.  But what are such trifles compared to presidential candidate’s disrespect for the marriage contract!
After Trump’s entry into the Republican primaries force, mysterious events began to happen. Trump has firmly settled on TV screens in the programs of all major news channels. Price time for free advertising which he received, giving countless interviews is estimated by experts at two billion dollars. To compare: the other entrants to the race, in my opinion, most prepared for the post of the President of the United States:  twice successful Louisiana Governor Bob Jindal, Wisconsin’s  Scott Walker, New York’s George Pataki put together --  according to my observation these channels have not taken a single interview from them. People never learned anything about them.
People think with their eyes. That’s why idiotic propaganda is effective. Billboards with the names of candidates cover the lawns before any elections all over the country.  Harvard Professor T. Patterson, expert on media,  concluded: "Trump appears to be the first ever presidential candidate entirely created by the press.  Assessment shows, Professor says, that information about Trump at that time was two-third positive.
But it lasted only until the Trump won the primaries and became the Republican presidential candidate. After that, writes the editor of
“Washington Free Beacon” Mattew Continetti, the same "free press has turned out to be into the most expensive at all times negative ads aimed at the Trump. Now, experts estimate the 91% information on Trump media provided to Americans at the final stages of the elections as negative.

Such a metamorphosis could not be explained by the political biases of journalists (which would also be unacceptable). Favors don’t change so easily. Obviously, there has been manipulation of the main sources of information in the country from a center. Which one?
American media is owned wholly or partly by the same forces that have invested huge money in creating Clinton’s impact, which are Saudi and other Arab oil tycoons. They have the most leverage on it. Even the opposition channel Fox News belongs in part to Rupert Murdock and the Saudi Prince Al-Valid. Make a note: information leaked out that editors of the major American newspapers, such as New York Times and Washington Post, sent articles about election for approval to Hillary campaign headquarters.
Of course, some honest journalists still remain in America, few of which a monolithic community of selling newspapers suffers in small doses. But when  the Law of Dialectic enters into the picture of masses’ view of information, quantity changes into quality.  Too many articles of mainstream journalists overweight tiny trickle of honest writers. 
The Clintons ' strategy worked great, Hillary had sustained polls over Trump-from 12% to 7%. But then the world ended on Sunday. Wikileaks, which is responsible for the dreaded outlaw Julian Assange (his crime is that he had sex with her two Swedish women without condoms. By Swedish concepts it is considered a rape, and the past 6 years Sweden demands England to extradite Assange. He is hiding from the police in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. I wonder: is there a statute of limitations for such crimes in Sweden?) had   published the resulting electronic interception of information, incriminating the Clintons Foundation as a criminal enterprise, and Clintons themselves as major corrupt officials. In light of these and other published Wikileaks revelations it becomes clear why Hillary while being Secretary of State was so eager to control all her business correspondence, leading her, in violation of the law, to run it from her private server. And why she destroyed 31000 emails when she was ordered to present all e-emails to the investigation.
Electronic intercepts of Wikileaks were performed by workers of the special services. Characteristically, they did not entrust this information to any authority in the official American media, fearing this information would be hidden or suppressed.  For example: a clip of the interview between Obama and the actress Gina Rodrigues circulating on the Internet, in which he literally canceled the American Constitution, allowing illegals to participate in elections, did not attract any of the "talking heads" on the main TV channels, except of the business  Fox News commentator Neil Cavuto.
To reduce the effect of the revelations coming through Wikileaks, Hillary’s headquarters said the interception was carried out by the Russian secret services. One can only wonder: at the beginning of the Obama Presidency in the United States 10 Russian spies we discovered.  They, as it turned out, were supplying their Moscow patrons with clippings from New York Times. The only real achievement of these ten secret agents was that one of them managed to sleep with some famous Americans. For this commendable act – by the way,  Obama actually let all of them go in peace – they greeted her in Moscow as a hero and  appointed her to the post of bank advisor.  It doesn’t seem that such people are capable of intercepting any sensitive information.
Nine days before the elections it became known who actually carried out the interception of information and was responsible for publishing it. David Goldman in an article for the PJ Media said:  "FBI agents, ready to defend American law, fill me with pride for America”. He wrote: "Few people are willing to go through hell, crawl on a bottom of the ocean, don't turn away, don't take cash-stuffed envelope or accept an advantageous position in the Government, but do the work to justify the sacred trust placed in them by the people. FBI agents took the FBI Director James Comey in a vice and forced him to begin a new investigation into the scandal with Hillary’s private server.  Unnamed heroes of the FBI have put everything on the line. They knew they were risking their careers, perhaps even pensions.”
The matter was about 650000 Government emails, "unexpectedly" discovered on the computer of  Hillary’s closest assistant Huma Abedin’s husband, most likely a spy for the Muslim Brotherhood. The thing looked nasty – Huma couldn’t explain how these emails got into her husband’s computer!
On the 6th of November, the day before an election, James Comey announced the cessation of investigation scam with Emails – this didn’t improve the situation any. It was obvious Comey did this under the pressure from Obama.  The enthusiasm of Hillary supporters from this demonstration of corrupted power fell even lower.
Abraham Lincoln said: "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. On  November 8 Hillary lost the election.
The Clintons' presidency after two terms of Obama would be lethal for the soul of America. Granting the legal status to 11 millions of illegal Latinos living here, plus the same number of new illegals coming would forever change the demographic composite of the country. In addition, Hillary had intended to allow hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees into the United States, which would make the terrorism attacks an ordinary every day event.  Caroline Glick reported that the ardent foe of Israel, Tim Kane was included to "Hillary" ticket as vice presidential candidate on Obama's insistence in his support of the Clintons. Such a combination could provide, in case of success, continuity of anti-Israeli Obama policy for years to come.
But the plan fell, unexpectedly. Somewhere I heard the maxim that “God protects children, drunks and America”.

What kind of President Tramp will be? As I was cashing my checks in a bank, a familiar cashier said to me:”If Trump performs at least a quarter of what he promises it already would be wonderful."

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