воскресенье, 23 октября 2016 г.

A somber hour of America.

A somber hour of America.
Boris Gulko
Translation by Alla Axelrod
One of the moral beacons for Americans, outstanding children's neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who grew up in a poor black family, while answering bothersome questions asked by journalists on allegations of MSNBC by a number of women, expecting decisive days of the presidential campaign regarding statements that Trump once molested him, answered: "You're talking about trivia in a time when our country is irresistibly carried into the abyss."
It is important to clearly understand what is happening during elections on November 8 for America and for the world. Then we can picture the entire drama being played before our eyes.
Thanks to the anonymous tip to Hillary (Putin is suspected of that) it became known that in a speech before Brazilian bankers she admitted it is her dream to have a "hemisphere of a common market with open trade and open borders." Here is a comment by publicist Buchanan: "If this quote is accurate, and Clinton did not deny it, she talked about the future, in which the United States will cease to exist as a separate, sovereign and independent State. That is, Clinton promises to work to put an end to the independence for which our founding fathers fought in the American Revolution. "
Hillary promises to let hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees from the Middle East into United States and she's unlikely to break that promise since she owes hundreds of millions of dollars given to her presidential campaign fund and directly into her pocket by donors from Saudi Arabia and other wealthy Islamic countries. Such a move would put the United States in the face of inevitable growth of terrorism, will appease the terrorists and will lead to serious changes in United States foreign and domestic policy similar to French model.
The American economy is rapidly approaching collapse caused by Obama’s insane inflation of the national debt, his smothering regulations of businesses and the highest in the world corporate taxes,  and will continue in the same vain.
Add to this Hillary’s support of thug’s movement called “Black Lives Matter”, her personal dishonesty, constant lying and corruption, about which tons of books and movies are written and made, and it becomes clear, what is in store for American future.
If this wasn’t enough, which I doubt, Clinton back in 1992 promised that by voting for him they will get “two for the price of one.” Once again they will occupy the White House.
Sterile in positive ideas for America (when such ideas are included in the scope of his interests), Obama is  extremely inventive in intrigues. It is amazing how, while deeply rejecting the Treaty with Iran by a majority of congressmen and senators, he managed on behalf of the United States to conclude the Treaty, allowing the access by Iran Mullahs to 150 billion dollars, hence guaranteeing them financing nuclear weapons.
I'm sure Obama recently actively looking for the ways to stay in the White House after the expiration of his term. More then two months after the election to the inauguration of the new President, if Hillary wins, will give him such opportunities. What could he come up with?
The first scenario: shortly after the election Hillary is declared sick with  something like a Parkinson's disease. Like, she fails to hold a hand on a Holy Bible during an oath, due to tremor.  
After the occupation of the Oval Office, its functions moved to the Vice President. But if Hillary is not yet President, her partner is nobody as well.
In such emergency situation Obama has a moral right to announce deferred transfer of power until her complete recovery. His approval rating is now 50%, people are more or less pleased with him. And cure for Parkinson's can be long… till death.
The second scenario: in early January, the sluggish current investigation of criminal activities by Secretary Clinton regarding Benghazi and her attempts to hide the evidence of this, such as the deliberate erasure of more than 30000 emails needed to investigate, will finally  bringing on the accusation of crime. The transfer of power has been postponed until the end of criminal proceedings.
Both scenarios together: learning about the inevitability of a second, Hillary agrees to the first.
If you reckon with the likelihood of such a plan, it becomes clear why, in words of Kimberly Strassel from her the articles for the WSJ "the Obama administration is a Federal Government that is supported by tax dollars works as an extension of the Clinton campaign. The State Department coordinated with her staff responses to the e-mail scandal, and Justice Department kept her team in the course of events in the Court.” Strassel's report is a flagrant violation of American laws.
These developments predicted by me will become more likely if the Democrats take control over the Senate. And it is quite likely, given what is happening around the Republican Party’s self-destructing relationship to Trump’s personality.
Who is worse for America and the world — Obama or Clinton? One of the most brilliant minds of today’s United States Yale University Professor David Gelenter had found such a difference: "Obama is at least sincere. Mrs. Clinton is as fake as three dollar bill, as “Clinton Global Initiative.” He also said: “Hillary is Obama part III. We cannot let that happen. Parts I and II have brought us close enough to disaster.” When dealing with evil, I still prefer fake to sincerity.
But there is consideration that may deter Obama from realizing these outlined by me scenarios. It’s his hatred of Israel.  In his attempt to stay in a White House, he should keep a positive image he’s been enjoying in the recent months. There’s been hints, in particular from Secretary Kerry, that in the irresponsible period of his presidency after November 8, Obama will not veto the UN decision on recognition of "Philistine” State. Obama doesn’t need the scandal associated with that, if it wants to try to extend his reign. He will have to choose one of the two intrigues.
Gellenter’s appeal is obvious and logically justified: "There is only one way to protect the nation from Hillary Clinton, and that is to vote for Donald Trump. There is no credible alternative, not even the shadow of such an alternative.” But what if Trump, as warn many, really proves unfit to govern the country? He is impulsive, easily offended. What if suddenly flaring up, he’d wants to start some kind of the wrong war? After the Bill Clinton’s mad aggression against Serbia, or stupid war by Obama and Hillary on the side of Islamic terrorists in Libya, such precedents exist.
Those who worry about such things,  Gellenter calmly assures: Trump will not do crazy stuff or he will have to leave. Republicans in Congress will always be ready to impeach him, and Mike Pence will replace him. Democrats obviously too willingly will support Trump’s impeachment." Indeed, Trump in his campaign managed to slander a lot of most influential republicans: McCain, Graham, Rubio, Cruz, and they, given a reason, will be happy to answer back properly.
Trump's chances to avert Hillary’s presidency are drastically reduced by violent fight among Republican establishment against the victory of the representative of their party under the slogan "Republicans against Trump." Admittedly, this establishment over the past 8 years willingly allowed implementation of evil for the country leftist ideas of Obama.  Republicans leaders that committed devastating eight-year Obama Presidency are expressed in an article dated by September17, by a wonderful historian and publicist V. D. Hanson: "Was it worth by John McCain to make a noise in 2008 about a personal mentor and Pastor of Obama, racist who hates America, anti-Semite Reverend Jeremiah Wright, to preempt the agenda, which led to the adoption of the Obamakere? Or in the second presidential debate in 2012,  when Romney, imitating Reagan, intercepted the microphone from the "moderator" Candy Crowley, who twisted the facts, if this dramatic gesture could lead to his victory and reflect on the country, dismissed the deal with Iran?
Trump, in my opinion the least attractive among Republican primaries candidates, turned out the most effective in determining the mood of the time… Something very wrong is happening with the Republican Party, and it has nothing to do with the shortcomings of Donald Trump. None of the 16 of its main candidates — most of whom had far more political experience, better temperament and are better educated than Trump, none of them had his feelings of outrage.
Hanson explains this feeling of outraged voters: so called conservative massed believe that nobody represents them.  How is it that while we have the alleged opposed conservatives controlled Congress and the Senate, we have achieved a debt of $ 20 trillion, the institutionalization of "cities of refugees” (for illegal immigrants) and the Navy the size of what it was in the First World War?"
I think you can easily understand "Republican establishment", mocked by Hanson.  If Hillary wins, these people will  sincerely express their disagreement with her policies, as they are accustomed to fairly and fruitlessly criticizing it before.  Thus they can count on re-election to their positions.
In the case of Trump’s victory, his possible errors can compromise the party, and under the liberal press fire Republican establishment can be shaken.
Hanson rightly accuses Republicans from the anti-Trump movement: "Members of the Washington establishment care more of their sinecures in the Government and in the media than the urgent need to end the Era of Obama.”
Heavy clouds thickened over the future of the United States. Can the election on November 8 chase them away?

                           Boris Gulko

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