вторник, 7 июня 2016 г.

If you believe Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel...

Subject: If you believe Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel...

Keep Jerusalem United - The Eternal Capital of Israel - CLICK if images don't display.
   The Jerusalem
On Jerusalem Day, Help Keep Our Capital United! 
Jerusalem Day is almost here! It is a celebration of the reunification of Jerusalem during the miraculous Six Day War of 1967. As we all know, in any negotiations, Israel will be under tremendous pressure to give away parts of Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority, in the name of 'peace'.
We urge everyone who believes that Jerusalem must forever remain the undivided capital of Israel to sign the Jerusalem Declaration. With your help, our goal of presenting one million signatures to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Jerusalem Mayor Barkat and world leaders can be reached very soon.
Sign now --> www.unitedwithisrael.org/declaration
Please join Israel's friends around the world in showing strong support for a united Jerusalem. Everyone who signs will have their name added to the huge 'Keep Jerusalem United' banner that hangs from the Walls of Jerusalem!
If you've already signed, please FORWARD this email to everyone you know. If you have not yet signed, click below to sign right now:
Throughout history, the eternal connection between the Jewish People and Jerusalem has been unbreakable. We must do everything we can to keep Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, a united city. And only Israel can guarantee free and open access to Jerusalem for all peoples and religions.
We urge you to circulate this email throughout all of your personal networks.
1. Sign your name --> www.jerusalemdeclaration.com
2. Make a Donation --> www.unitedwithisrael.org/donate
3. Share with friends --> www.unitedwithisrael.org/share-with-friends

The People of Israel thank you for your support at this critical time. 
united with
Israel: +972-2-533-7841
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