No, Dan, Congress protested, but Obama has done it around Congress – thru the United Nations. Congress had nothing to do with it. Congressmen had even no choice to get acquainted with the provisions of the deal. Mentioned by you Jews had nothing to do with that deal, too.
By having a so called limited power of the president, he did a lot of harm with his executive orders, and without them.
Media is corrupted by the banks, and intimidated by the president and FBI, which boss is Obama. FOX had been intimidated by the president. Now they had their tale between the legs. It is prematurely to say that president does not decide anything. Oh, Obama did a lot for transforming the country - tihoy sapoy.
Americans are intimidated – those, who tried to fight with Clintons in time of Bill’s presidency, lost their lives, they were eliminated. Obama fired 40 generals and admirals, his opponents of his decision not fighting Islamic terrorists and ISIS. Obama put on their places his people, devoted Democrats. Now Obama is not afraid to be impeached or overthrown by the military. We are all afraid, we have no arms.
No, your friend does not know everything what is going in Republic Party, and why they did not fight Obama. The reason is not in disagreements between them. The reason was much simpler. For Americans Obama gave Obamacare. Congress became indignant, because Obamacare did not give medical coverage at all. In most cases deductible reached $5,000. They began to fight it, but Obama provided Congressmen and Senators with a different coverage, which covers everything and with cheap copayment, if any. He gave them a bribe; after that they became quiet, and since then Obama had free hands on doing whatever he wants – to bring country to low level and Islamize it.
I watched debates between the running officials. Only then I understood that I did not know them at all. They accused themselves in lying to American people. In their speeches they told us that they are in disagreement with Obama’s actions and fighting them. But in reality they obeyed to Obama. He turned being a cunning man, who managed to subordinate all of them. During the debates we could see from how low people our government consists.
By the way, Dan, I see that you are not very well informed about what is going on in the US.
From: Dan Roginsky [mailto:danroginsky@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2016 1:27 AM
To: Lilia
Subject: Re: Trump
Who told you that Republicans wanted Trump to be the nominee? They fought it as strong as they could, and they continue stating that they do not want Trump! And you know why? The reason is that the Congressmen and the Senators have no limited serving terms with salaries up to $200,000. They became a class of elite for life. They are terribly afraid that Trump could take away their sinecure, and with an executive order their service terms will be limited. The members of our elected corrupted government live for themselves, not for the people, who elected them. The Republicans did not make Trump their nominee, not yet; they resist it to happen, but Trump collected already 1,238 delegates, which is enough to become a nominee. And even now, when they have no weapon against Trump, they decided to get into agreement with leftist (this is how I think) in order not to allow Trump to become the President. With Clinton, who is the very evil, America will die, along with Israel, the same as Europe is dying.
The email you spread is the Republicans’ and the Democrats’ elites the last weapon. When there is nothing is left to find against Trump, they decided to declare him a mentally ill man. By the way, who is the author of this slanderous lampoon?
And the last argument: Clinton is the enemy of Israel, but Trump is a friend. He is not Obama, who is an enemy to Israel, too. So on which side are you, Dan?
From: Dan Roginsky [mailto:danroginsky@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 4:19 PM
To: Lilia
Subject: Re: Trump
Dan, since when and why have you started to popularize leftist’s lies about Trump in order to help present corrupted government to undermine America’s opportunity to have a great figure, who would rescue the country from Islamization and return to the by gone greatness?
Please send another email to all those, to whom you sent your fake and apologize for sending it, including me. Stress in your email that that was a fake. Please do it immediately and stop to harm our country.
All our hopes are on Trump’s coming and rescuing us and our country. I am shaken, Dan that you could act so hastiness by sending this fake, which could influence Americans’ decision to elect Trump to be our president. In your views, Clinton is our best choice? Better than Trump? How could you, Dan?
Please do what I asked you, Dan, if you would like me to continue respecting you as I did from the very beginning I have known you.
From: Dan Roginsky
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2016 11:31 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Fwd: Trump
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