пятница, 11 декабря 2015 г.


Obama's Promise to America
(by Jim Harbison for 12/10/15)

As a candidate for President, Barrack Obama promised to fundamentally change America. After seven years in office we have all witnessed significant changes to our society, our nation, and our way of life. In my opinion these changes have undermined and destroyed the America that provided so much for my generation and those before me.

The promise of a future better than the current generation is gone. Our children and grandchildren will have little opportunity to achieve the quality of live we have been able to experience. Thanks to our poor selection of elected "leaders" they have been encumbered with massive tax burdens, a decaying infrastructure and burdensome regulations.

We have witnessed the degradation of our military capability. Our Army is now the smallest it has been since prior to World War II. We now have more policemen in New York City than we have military forces in NATO. Senior military leadership has been purged and more than 500 senior military leaders have been forced out of the military. Only those "yes men" who support Obama's political agenda and his vision of a European socialist type America have been allowed to remain. This loss of this tactical and strategic experience may have tragic consequences for our future. Obama has socially re-engineered the military to fit his vision without regard to military readiness or capability.

Our society is now more divided than any point in my lifetime. Rather than unite our nation his policies have resulted in greater divisions based on race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and education. We are no longer united as Americans but have become hyphenated Americans (i.e. African-Americans, Mexican Americans, Native-Americans, Jewish-Americans, Islamic-Americans, etc).

His economic policies have destroyed the once admired American work ethic and now many Americans find it easier to rely on the government to support them rather than taking a job that requires hard work. More than 90 million people are no longer in the workforce and the costs of the social programs to support them are staggering. We are rapidly approaching the point where the half of the American population that is working is supporting the half that is not.

We now have an entitlement mentality society. A society that believes the government, or someone else, owes them the comforts and assets that they cannot, or will not, provide for themselves. The Obama administration has virtually eliminated the concept of individual responsibility and created the philosophy that someone else is responsible for their lack of success and economic advancement. Rather than obtaining an education that will provide them with greater economic opportunity they demand higher wages for low skilled or menial jobs.

America was once known for its religious tolerance and freedom and was a magnet for those experiencing religious persecution around the world. In Obama's America we have witnessed the advancement of a secular America where religious traditions are under constant attack. Expression of religious beliefs is not acceptable and a progressive judiciary has "legislated from the bench" to restrict religious freedoms espoused in the Constitution.

Let's not forget Obama's failure to enforce immigration laws and his open borders policies are intentional acts to fundamentally change America's culture and traditions and will impact this nation for generations.

President Obama is the one politician who has steadfastly adhered to his campaign promises to fundamentally change America. Sadly, his visions are shared by the progressive left and America is transitioning into a very different nation, a nation similar to the ones our founding fathers were escaping from. Unfortunately, Obama's fundamental changing of America is rapidly occurring without any meaningful opposition.

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