понедельник, 16 ноября 2015 г.


Gregory Gurevich

2:41 (3 ч. назад)
кому: скрытая копия: мне
Несколько часов назад я послал это письмо моим сенаторам. Если я получу ответ от них, я тут же информирую вас.

Dear Senator,

Recent terrorist attacks in Paris showed that the Islamic state keeps its promises. They have declared war on Russia. They promised to punish Europe.
They promised to shift their war onto the United States. These is no shortage of potential terrorists in our country. These are numerous Muslims, among whom there are hundreds and even thousands of ardent supporters of the Islamic state.
What Congress and you personally you are going to do to protect America from terrorist attacks of Islamists?
So far I hear only magnificent promises.
First of all, we should honestly admit that Islamic terrorists threaten us, not just individuals as always says President Obama.
America should officially declare war on the Islamic state.
I am convinced that the Islamic state should be outlawed, and its supporters in the United States interned. Mosques which identified terrorists attend must be closed and their imams arrested.
Any promotion of the Islamic Jihad should be banned.
All Muslim organizations in America must sign a declaration on condemnation of terrorism in all its forms. If still these organizations will be seen in supporting terrorists, the organizations should be dissolved.
Protecting America from the real threat of Islamic terrorist attacks is the most important task today.
Thank you very much for your time.

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