вторник, 20 октября 2015 г.


Unity Coalition for Israel
ACTION ALERT - Support Israel as Middle East Violence Surges

CLICK HERE to send letter to U.S. Congress Israeli Knesset

To the U.S. Congress and Israeli Knesset,

As hatred and violence surge in Israel in what could become the third Intifada, we must stand strong with our only democratic ally in the entire Mideast. Israel needs both diplomatic a nd military support from the U.S.
We must support Israel's human rights policy of protecting Israeli citizens against the brutal acts of violence perpetrated by the Palestinians. The current barbarism toward Israel is the latest attack in a long series of savage acts against men, women and children throughout the Middle East fostered by Radical Islam.
As our administration has failed to define the enemy, they have also failed to recognize our friends.  Most Americans understand this reality and look to Congress to help reverse this long time omission. Congress should make it clear that Israel and the U.S. have the same goals: Peace in the Middle East. Members of Congress should avow that Israel is part of the solution to the Middle East violence – not part of the problem. Instead, as a new meeting will take place in Israel on Thursday, our Administration is accusing Israel of using “excessive force.” The State Dept. has already chimed in as has Secretary of State Kerry.
Our government should admit that Iran has supported acts of terror for years utilizing the Hamas and Hezbollah militia as proxies. Now that the Iranian nuclear deal has been signed, Iran will have more resources as sanctions are lifted and they receive a “reward” of 50 billion dollars for signing.
Let’s hope President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry finally standup for our longtime democratic ally, Israel, and condemn the new attacks on Israel orchestrated by the imams and Palestinian Authority leader Abbas. So far the even-handed approach of condemning “both leaders” falls far short of defending Israel, the victim, and completely distorts the truth of the Palestinians continuing their Jihad and attempting to outdo ISIS in torturing and killing.
Also our Congress must take decisive action to support our friends and protect our interests in the Middle East.  If not, these unanswered tolerated acts of violence could lead to the collapse of the world economy and a nuclear World War III.

CLICK HERE to send letter to U.S. Congress and Israeli Knesset

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