вторник, 2 июня 2015 г.


EU Parliament’s primary objective is eliminating the state of Israel and exterminating entire Israeli population. The secondary objective is total eliminating Jewish population in Europe.
According to the EU Parliament plan; both objectives can be achieved through creation of islamofascist  palestinian state for fake ethnic, but real islamofascist, group “palestinians” on historic Israel land that belongs to Israel according to the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine that is still valid according to the Article 80 of the UN Charter.
Under these circumstances, all documentary materials that prove the above statements and the names of the individuals responsible for the development and implementation of the diabolic “Final Solution” plan will be sent to ICC with request for arrest and conviction, including death penalty.
P.S.: the most active anti-Semitic EU Parliament members are; Germany; Britain; Italy; France; which is not surprise, as all these countries actively supported the Hitler and mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin Husseini joint “Final Solution” plan for Jews in Europe and Palestine during WW2.
How and when palestinian issue emerged
In 1975, by its resolution 3376 the General Assembly established the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian people. At that time, Secretary-General of the United Nations was Kurt Waldheim.
So, the question is how this resolution emerged in 1975? The analysis of historic documents revealed two undeniable facts:
Fact 1. In 1920s-30s, Palestinian Muslims committed massacre of Jews in occupied Israel murdering thousands of children and civilians. The murder was organized by the founder and supreme leader of the Arab Higher Committee, Haj Amin al Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, and supported by British Administration of Palestine. The primary objective was elimination of all Jews from Palestine. The massacre was, in reality, the Holocaust committed by Palestinian Arabs.
Haj Amin was a close friend of Hitler. In 1941, Haj Amin came to Berlin and visited Hitler. He brought the Holocaust idea to Hitler. In 1943, Amin organized Bosnian Muslim battalions in Croatia comprising some twenty thousand men. The battalions were put in Waffen-SS units, fought Yugoslav partisans in Bosnia; thousands of Serbs, Roma ('Gypsies') and Jews hunted down by Haj Amin's SS troops were killed by those same troops, or they were sent to the Islamic death camp Jasenovac. After the WWII, the International tribunal declared Haj Amin war criminal; however, he escaped prosecution (thanks to Britain), fled to Egypt and then Palestine where he organized Fatah. After his death in 1974, Arafat, who was Haj Amin lieutenant, became Fatah commander. He organized PLO. Thus, PLO and Fatah were created by people close to Nazi and based on Nazi ideology.
Fact 2. Kurt Waldheim was a Nazi SS officer in WWII, committed numerous crimes in Europe and responsible for death of thousands of European. He is a war criminal.
These two facts clearly show that the Palestinian issue was introduced to commemorate Nazi-Palestinian Muslims unbreakable criminal connection and to recognize PLO-Fatah as Nazi successor. After 1980, every Secretary General, including the current, and entire UN staff uphold Nazi legacy of Kurt Waldheim.

Mark Bernadiner, PH.D.

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