Respect Israeli Voters!
by Yifat Erlich
The majority of the Israeli public voted against a Palestinian state. So what? A few whines in the media, a bit of admonition from US President Barack Obama - and Netanyahu gives in.
The pressure always works through two channels, an internal one and an external one. The more moderate left, which is still ashamed to openly disregard democratic decisions, tries to promote its agenda through internal pressure in the media. The more radical left, unfortunately, has never honoured the Israeli voter's decision.
The combined pressure from the inside and outside could leadIsrael 's citizens to a reality they didn't vote for. We have already been there: I remember myself running around the streets, driving people to polling stations to cast the ballot with the caption reading, "Ariel Sharon for prime minister." In return for the effort and sweat, we got the destruction of Gush Katif.
Now that the election chaos is behind us, it's time for the media, legal and political opposition to show more national responsibility
So what am I asking for? Some space, some respect for the Israeli voter's decision, a bit less patronization... The right still has a lot to fix and improve, but it mostly needs to finally learn how to govern. (and be true to the Jewish national aspiration - creation of the Jewish homeland, Eretz-Israel, on our ancestral land!)
Obama's Double Standard (by Aaron Goldstein)
Why is the Obama Administration less upset with Russia for hacking into the White House and State Department computers than it is with Israel for spying into its negotiations with Iran ? Then again this is the same administration which is less angry with Iran for chanting "Death to America" than with Netanyahu for saying there would be no Palestinian state under his watch. This is the same administration that is less upset with ISIS for beheading Americans than it is with Israelfor having the nerve to re-elect Netanyahu.
Dozens of Likud branch chairmen and members of Likud's Central Committee published a petition this week demanding that party chairman, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, add the Jewish Home to his coalition and avoid a 'unity' government with Labor at any cost. (So-called Zionist Union party isn't better - just another anti-Zionist political chameleon!)
Leading defense expert, Professor Efraim Inbar who heads the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, said framework deal over Iran's nuclear program leaves Israel with little choice, should have struck "two years ago." Israel should "seriously consider" a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities in the aftermath of the "framework deal" announced between Tehran and western powers.
The Islamic Republic's nuclear program has been granted "legitimacy" by the agreement, which still allowed it to continue enriching uranium and to maintain a reactor capable of producing enriched plutonium, he said. "And that's what worries Israel, that they (Iran) will be able within a short time frame to reach a nuclear bomb."
"As long as there was no deal it was easier for Israel to strike. They should have carried out a strike two years ago," he said. "This is not an easy decision but it's what needed to be done."
Despite that fact, many countries - most notably Israel's immediate neighbors - would be supportive of such a strike, and were waiting for Israel to neutralize the threat posed to them by a nuclear-capable Iranian regime. "In practice no one wants to see a nuclear Iran; all of them are playing the game so that Israel can pulls the chestnuts out of the fire."
The deal will allow the Islamic regime to continue enriching uranium. Israel has noted that there are 17 states which have peaceful nuclear programs, and none of them enrich uranium as Iran will be allowed to continue doing.
Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has stopped short of giving his endorsement to the framework nuclear deal struck last week between Tehran and world powers, while the country's elected leader warned separately that his country would not sign a final deal unless economic sanctions were lifted immediately.
Food for Thought by Steven Shamrak
I have communicated with many Catholics, Baptists, Anglicans, Noahites, Russian and Greek Orthodox people on my mail list. Some of them wrote that only "fake Christians", there too many of them, are anti-Semites and do not support the Jewish state. Although, it is hard to find good Christians who are supporting Israel without a hidden agenda - conversion of Jews is one of them! There is definitely no decent Christian leadership in the Vatican, London etc... There is no love or even respect for the sovereign Jewish state among the Western, 'Christian', governments and by member states of the UN - 'Ugly Nazi'! (I meant no offence to good Christians, but I do not care what bad ones think!)
The PLO issued a statement that it would not be drawn into military action in in Syria, contradicting comments made earlier by the PA envoy to Damascus, Ahmad Majdalani, that Palestinian groups are ready to join forces with the Syrian government to expel ISIL fighters from the Yarmouk camp in the Syrian capital.
The Pentagon has been upgrading the biggest bunker-buster bomb in its arsenal as talks with Iran continued over Tehran's nuclear program, readying a weapon that could destroy Iran's facilities. The Pentagon has been upgrading the biggest bunker-buster bomb in its arsenal as talks with Iran continued over Tehran's nuclear program. Work to improve the design, guidance systems and anti-jamming capabilities on the so-called Massive Ordnance Penetrator began before the latest round of negotiations with Iran started. (Just give some of them to Israel for 'testing'!)
The IDF and Home Front Command are expected to invest about $25 million into "Code Red" and civilian warning systems against incoming rockets in 2015 in the event of another war with Hezbollah.
US expediting weapon supplies to Saudis
The United States is speeding up arms supplies to the Saudi-led coalition against Houthi fighters. Warplanes from Sunni-ruled Gulf states have been striking the Shi'ite Muslim rebels, in an attempt by the regional heavyweight to check Iranian influence in its backyard. (When Israel did it in Gaza against Hamas, Obama threatened to cut off arms supply to Israel.)
Jewish Contributions to the World
The Tel Aviv-based company StoreDot says it has technology that can charge a mobile phone battery in seconds. The battery can also be used to power electric cars and laptops inminutes rather than hours . "These are new materials; they have never been developed before," said Doron Myersdorf, the founder and chief executive. The first battery will be available in 2016. The company is partly funded by Jewish Russian billionaire and Chelsea soccer club owner Roman Abramovich.
MK Ahmed Tibi (Joint Arab List) harshly condemned the Arab world and the international community for allowing the Islamic State takeover of the Yarmouk so-called refugee camp inSyria : "I feel anger and great sadness about what is happening in what is left of the camp. There is a moral double standard. If other people were the victims, not Palestinians it would be different." (International anti-Semites only 'care' when they can blame Israel!)
No Outrage over Mass Graves near Tikrit
Iraqi forensic teams have begun excavating 12 suspected mass grave sites thought to hold the corpses of as many as 1,700 Shia soldiers from Camp Speicher massacred last year by ISIS fighters as they swept across northern Iraq. (How many hundreds of thousand victims of ISIS and Al Qaida does the world need to become truly outraged at Islamic terror?)
Obama's detente with Iran and recognition of Bashar Assad's key role in Syria has produced an incredibly sinister new twist in the Syrian war. The Yarmouk refugee camp and its 16,000 occupants face not one enemy, but two: the Islamic State and Assad's army, which opened the way for the ISIS attack. (It just proves again that Arabs and Muslims do not really care about fake Palestinians; they just use them in their political game against Israel !)
In the 14 months since Russian President Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea and sent proxy fighters to invade eastern Ukraine, Russian companies have won more than $212 million in United Nations contracts to ferry troops, supplies and equipment -- on peacekeeping missions.
Quotes of the Week:
"The establishment of a buffer zone on the border is of absolute necessity to preserve Egyptian national security, particularly with the growing plans to export the Palestinian cause to Egyptian territory, away from its natural context. Thus, we cannot be emotional while thinking of the (population) displacement issue." - Justification given by Egyptfor the internationally forbidden "population transfer", destruction of homes and for building the security barrier. President Mohammed Morsi passed a December 2012 decision, Decree No. 203, prohibiting the right to own, rent or build property located within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of the border with Gaza sector - Israel has bigger problems withGaza than Egypt - and must impose the similar restrictions onGaza! Only Israel receives endless international condemnations and is dragged through the anti-Semitic idiocy in the UN and the ICC!
by Charles Krauthammer
Of all the idiocies uttered in reaction to Benjamin Netanyahu's stunning election victory, none is more ubiquitous than the idea that peace prospects are now dead because Netanyahu has declared that there will be no Palestinian state while he isIsrael 's Prime Minister.
I have news for the lowing herds: There would be no peace and no Palestinian state if Isaac Herzog were Prime Minister of Israel, or Ehud Barak or Ehud Olmert for that matter.
This is not ancient history. This is 2000, 2001 and 2008 - three astonishingly concessionary peace offers within the last 15 years. Every one rejected (by the PA leadership, and followed by violence and terror attacks unleashed on Israel!).
The fundamental reality remains: This generation of Palestinian leadership - from Yasser Arafat to Mahmoud Abbas - has never and will never sign its name to a final peace settlement dividing the land with a Jewish state. And without that, no Israeli government of any kind will agree to a Palestinian state.
There is a second reason a peace agreement is impossible: the supreme instability of the entire Middle East (including current developments). For half a century, it was run by dictators no one liked but with whom you could do business.
Dear Friends, this is independent weekly editorial . The aim is to present Jewish point of view on Arab-Israel conflict, propagates and motivates Jewish people and our true friends to uphold ideals and inspirations of true Zionism - Jewish National independence movement. The editorial is not sponsored by or affiliated with any government or political party.
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