вторник, 18 декабря 2018 г.


In case you’re complaining about summer heat, here’s a reminder of another reality.
Floating iceberg, Greenland

Frozen Multnomah Falls, Oregon, US

Icebreaker, Saint Laurent in Resolute Bay, Nunavut Territory, Canada
Plitvicka Jezera, Croatia
Glacier Bay, Alaska, US
Stevens Point, Wisconsin, US
Cracks in ice, Abraham Lake, Alberta, Canada by Chip Phillips
Ice Canyon, Greenland
Cleveland Harbor lighthouse, Ohio, US
Glacier Bay, Alaska, US
Pleneau Bay, Antarctica by Sander Klaassen
Cactus, by Jandksmith
Two feet of snow in New York City, US
spiral iceberg, Antarctica
Great Wall of China
Outdoor jacuzzi on the Matterhorn, Switzerland
West Village, New York City, US, by Julie Rose Sews
Winter art
Zao Onsen ski resort, northern Japan
Looks like a painting on a Christmas card